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Leadership in Practice

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We first met whilst gaining our MBA and realised we shared a passion for leadership and management. Since then we’ve combined skills in developing people and organisations to help them reach their potential and enjoy success.

Meet The Team

Gary Hughes profile image black and white

Gary Hughes MBA PGCMDE

I’m an experienced leader, director and manager with a broad skill set and a passion for developing the business, leadership and management skills of individuals and organisations.
I have 15 years experience with primary care encompassing general practice, GP Federations, Primary Care Networks and consultancy. 
I have an MBA and a PGCMDE and create and deliver engaging educational workshops and programmes to support leaders, managers, teams and organisations in primary care.


I am also the Co-Founder of the Portfolio Careers in Primary Care program.

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Chris Locke  MBA, FCIPD

​I am a highly qualified Leadership and Development coach with over 30 years of experience in a range of both public and private sector organisations and in coaching and facilitating Primary Care managers and leaders.


I build structured, engaging and fun workshops, based in reality to take teams to meaningful solutions owned by the group. Successful sessions have included developing team alignment, real time strategic change and collaboration.


I have an MBA and I’m accredited in a wide range of psychometric and assessment tools.

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