I mean finding the time for your managerial responsibilities. Not completing tasks, but the activities that ensure everything is done to achieve the practice goals. Vitally important but harder to define it’s:
· Planning
· Organising
· Directing
· Communicating
· Measuring
· Developing
These are the responsibilities of a Manager and most struggle with finding the time to do them.
Too much task work, firefighting, not delegating and insufficient support prevent you managing. The manager becomes a bottleneck and things get delayed or missed.
It’s easy to think you’ll catch up, but it rarely happens. Instead frustrations increase, mistakes occur and you’re more likely to burn out.
It’s likely only you can fix this.
Stop Firefighting
Find the cause, and fix it permanently, or better still get some one else to. Quite often it can be a simple solution, so why leave it?
Start Delegating
Ditch ‘easier to do it yourself’ and improve the capability of your team so you can delegate to them.
Get Support
Most importantly, if you have too much to do then face it, you need support. Identify what, how much and go and get it, convincing your boss of the benefits if you need to.
Managing, really is better for you, your practice and the practice team.