Leaders and managers in primary care regularly face procrastination. An inability or unwillingness to make a decision makes the pace of change frustrating slow. If decisions are made they’re rarely bold, when caution is safer.
But procrastinators can be managed, they can be led away from indecisiveness. Find the reasons why and you’ll be able to prepare and successfully deal with it.
Is there a Lack of Interest, then explain why making a decision is important.
Do they want Perfection, then look at the possible options and consequences to find an acceptable one.
Are they Uncertain about what’s required, then provide the information and clarity so they know what’s needed.
Are they Scared of the Unknown, then explain the impact of no decision and emphasise the benefits a decision could bring.
Are they Distracted, then remove the distractions and ensure the focus is on one task and decision at a time.
Is there No Urgency, then make the deadline short or break a long term one into small meaningful steps and deadlines.
Are they worried about Failure, then provide reassurance. Demonstrate how all the possible risks have been identified and how they’ve been mitigated.
Don’t be frustrated, tackle procrastinators and you’ll get them moving.945